Friday 23 September 2011

what makes me Happy?

so, at work i have to produce a picture frame of what makes me happy... i think these sum it up nicely... how ever i'm sure there are plenty mote photos i could add in. 

the sea. always.

summer & fresh cut grass

my boyfreind <3 

my sisters & Mum

woody. oh how i miss him so much <3

my little sissy.

carly, one of my closet friend. I never see her much any more. 

Marmite & Toffee

Friends. family, siblings, my dogs, life as i know it.

Auturm Roses & Flowers

These are some beautiful roses which grow on woody's grave in our garden. I took these during the autumn season, i think in 2010. 
Woody was our first Airedale terrier, he was only 9 when he died, we lost him suddenly to a brain tumour in may 2009. !0 days after my birthday, i still miss him now. 
 Every Autumn they pop up and they are always so beautiful.